yesterday the weather was bad...it rained a lot...I could not make it to the beach, but I was stuck in the kitchen ;-) which is good because I did not cook for a long time...making a salad and tarator is not cooking for me ;-) / if you forgot what tarator is here /
That is why I bought some grape leaves and made sarmi again - if you follow me you probably red about this dish sarmi, if you visit me for the first time - how to make sarmi :-)
I wanted to show you this version of the dish because it sounds a little bit exotic - eating meat wrapped with grape leaf. The difference between the cabbage sarmi and this one is that you are filling grape leaves with the mixture of meat, rice and some herbs and then wrap it...that is the only difference and I won't write the recipe step by step again, because you can reread my post about sarmi and fill the grape leaves with the same mixture ;-)
It would sound weird for someone you are eating the leaves, too, after they are cooked of course ;-)
The sarmi with grape leaves is very common summer dish because it is served usually cold with yogurt...and it is really delicious.
NOTE THAT - use only young grape leaves, before they are sprayed against pests, you don't want to be intoxicated....
Try it if you dare...I'm kidding it is delicious...I promise! ;-)
Времето вчера беше много лошо - не ставаше за плаж, затова заседнах в кухнята, което е добре, защото не бях готвила от доста време, никой не иска да се загрява допълнително, като включа фурната все пак...затова си похапваме предимно салатки и таратор, което само по себе си не е точно готвене...отскочих до магазина и купих лозови листа, което пък ме накара да направя тези лозови сармички с месо, рецепта за сарми има в блога ми точно тук, пък и всеки българин знае как се правят, най - важно е листата да са още млади и непръскани....а останлото е да си ги хапнете с кисело млекце...да ви е сладко ;-)
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